Residents Action - local community initiatives bringing folk together for sustainable futures
One of the cornerstones of transition is the move away from fossil fuel dependency and we've carried out actions around this for a few years now, for example energy efficiency and rethinking energy use & generation (solar PV, solar thermal, hydroelectric, biofuel, hydrogen, heat pumps etc), fuel, heating, transport systems - as well as the impacts on Air Quality.
What we're doing...
Begun a community air quality monitoring group with website – take a look and get involved!
Thermal imaging camera for domestic energy surveys - contact us to arrange a survey this winter 🔥
Funding from The National Lottery Community Fund, distributed by Transition Network, has helped us to facilitate thermal imaging of properties to enable residents to determine where they need to better insulate their homes. Thanks to National Lottery players for making this possible. Click here for more information about Transition: Bounce Forward.
New bike racks designed in-house and installed locally
Delivering online information films
There is so much more we’re keen to do, such as;
Home and business energy surveys & efficiency training, ride sharing schemes, improving walking and cycling in the town, community energy co-ops, special events and more!
So please come and join in – all help is needed and everyone is welcome!
Getting together has been difficult over the past couple of years! but we enjoy meeting up any way we can.
Stop Press... Bollington Air Quality: Real World Data
Bollington's latest Air Quality data obtained by the Mad About Power team - resident driven analysis
Transition Bollington is part of the Cheshire East Climate Alliance, a collaboration of grassroots groups.
In 2019 our town's council declared a climate emergency and are expected to take action on that declaration.
... What If we inspire and take climate action ourselves, in our own community?
▪ Start an initiative locally to raise awareness
▪ Get active with Transition Bollington or another of many local action groups (see list on home page)
▪ Visit Bollington's 12 Days of COP website